Happy new year – 2022

Hi, wish you all a very happy & healthy new year 2022. It’s time to close all the accounts of all bad habits, mistakes, and bitter memories. Let’s open new accounts of new good habits, good work & new ideas. Definitely, 2021 has taught lots of so we have to carry forward all those learnings to the new year i.e 2022.

In my opinion, if anybody who wants to enjoy life fully should don’t have to plan anything. Because what has been planned is not life which is not planned that is life. lots of things automatically plan as per situation requirement. Suppose if a person is working then his work is automatically planned based on office/company requirements. At home, his family members plan what to do & where to go on week off days, rest the same thing his friends planned. Now if he wants to do something for himself then he needs to do some extra work himself means he needs to compromise with his peaceful life i.e compromise with sleep/friends/family and office work.

Life flow is just like running river water. It adjusts as per the coming way. So lots of things are already predefined we just need to follow the path & it depends on you how you react while passing from that way. You can enjoy it by happily participating or just seeing it.

Maybe your opinion is different about life but this is my observation, which I have learned from my surroundings. 90% of people follow this routine just they don’t want any disturbance in smoothly running life. The remaining 10% of people are those who want to achieve something more than their normal life so they sacrifice their sleep for that & compromise with other things as well.

If you want to add something more or correct me please comment below.

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